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Tomash Peta, Arcivescovo dell’arcidiocesi di Santa Maria in Astana,

Jan Pawel Lenga, Arcivescovo emerito di Karaganda e 

Athanasius Schneider, vescovo ausiliare dell’arcidiocesi di Santa Maria in Astana.


In una lettera di 3000 parole diffusa da LifeSiteNews chiedono preghiere affinché siano revocate le linee guida che permettono di accostarsi alla Comunione in stato di peccato. Chiariscono inoltre, in modo inequivocabile, che tutto questo contraddice in modo esplicito la Dottrina e la Tradizione.

Definiscono il loro invito una “crociata spiritale”, dicono di essere “obbligati ad alzare la loro voce su questioni che riguardano l’eterna salvezza”, parlano per questo di “contraddizioni” tra Amoris Lateitia e la Tradizione della Chiesa, di”disobbedienza alla volontà divina”, “alterità rispetto al sentimento della Chiesa”.

As successors of the Apostles, we are also moved by the obligation of raising our voices when the most sacred things of the Church and the matter of eternal salvation of souls are in question,”

“The previously mentioned pastoral guidelines contradict the universal tradition of the Catholic Church, which by means of an uninterrupted Petrine Ministry of the Sovereign Pontiffs has always been faithfully kept, without any shadow of doubt or of ambiguity, either in its doctrine or its praxis, in that which concerns the indissolubility of marriage,”

“It is rather the case of an obligation which God himself has unequivocally commanded [regarding fidelity within marriage, even a damaged one], the non-observance of which, in accordance with his Word, carries the penalty of eternal damnation. To say to the faithful the contrary would seem to signify misleading them or encouraging them to disobey the will of God, and in such [a] way endangering their eternal salvation.”

“A practice which permits to those who have a civil divorce, the so called ‘remarried,’ to receive the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, notwithstanding their intention to continue to violate the Sixth Commandment and their sacramental bond of matrimony in the future, would be contrary to Divine truth and alien to the perennial sense of the Catholic Church